Interview: Alexis Ureña
We all arrive to the office, talk and discuss ideas, prepare our practices and organize the weekly plans of the academy with only one thing in mind: FÚTBOL and more FÜTBOL.
Our company is characterized by the modern-way of Fútbol, where our main target is to teach the players how to enjoy the game with the ball while trying to outsmart the opponent.
We have to go, the fields are waiting for us, doesn’t matter how the weather is. We’re always happy and excited to teach and give our best to our players. By the time the players arrive to our facilities all our fields are set.
Learning while having fun and smiling is the best way we find to teach our players, and that is the reason why I am here, that special atmosphere.
It has been less than a year here for me, but I have enjoyed every single day. Receiving new players, seeing the ones you already know, feeling how they change and enjoy with us no matter how they are, where they are from, if they are girls or boys it’s priceless. It is good to know that they are in the best place possible, DISNEY.
I can honestly say that my experience at IDEASPORT is a total DREAM COME TRUE. Working and being able to enjoy every moment of it makes me feel like one more player again, makes me happy, and makes me want to share my joy with all of them.